Lovely Dead Things could be considered an extension of my Winter Magic gallery as all the images below were photographed in Winter 2021-2022. And what I found to photograph on the grayest of gray days blew my mind. Michiganders know how everything turns completely brownish-grey in the dead of winter, especially when the snow melts leaving nothing much for the sun to reflect off of. But apparently, that didn’t make much difference in terms of Nature speaking to me, knocking my socks off, and continuing to take my breath away each time I went out to photograph.

Many of my photography sessions consisted of me tagging along with my husband and my father-in-law to fly their drones together or to just to be outside in some form or fashion. I was the tag along in these instances and at the mercy of where ever they decided to venture off to (usually about 20 minutes away). And it really started to matter very little to me where we went because there were ALWAYS multiple things I found to capture with my camera and the images seemed to take on a life or their own (as the process of creation tends to do).

The gallery below is a testament the beautiful details that are present if we just stop and take a beat to admire. I’m reminded of this quote from the Color Purple.

It pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it. People think pleasing God is all God cares about. But any fool living in the world can see it always trying to please us back.

~ Alice Walker, The Color Purple




Winter Magic