My mission is to spark inspiration and reconnect you to possibility.

I believe in an intelligent divine energy that connects all of humanity, nature, and the universe. I also believe that this magnificent creative energy, the powerful force that forms the blueprint our existence, is available to us every minute of every day. It’s this infinite creative energy that rewired my brain after I experienced a major stroke, gives me guidance through my intuition in any situation, and responds to my feelings, thoughts, and intentions to create anything I desire in my life.

Since experiencing my stroke, I have started to see things differently, just because I have taken the time. I’ve taken more time to read, reflect, meditate, and journal. I’ve allowed myself to watch clouds pass, daydream, and notice how the light changes multiple times within just a few moments. I’ve noticed that the trees seem to breath as the branches lift and come alive in the wind. I’ve witnessed the air fill with glitter on a cold foggy morning as wafting ice crystals caught the sun. I’ve seen how the tiniest water drop contains an entire reflection of the world around it.

In these moments, as the unexpected emerges, I see things differently, like never before. I am reminded that whatever created this world of wonder has created and is supporting me. Dreams and possibilities are sparked and I have a sense of being connected to something greater and more expansive as a channel for expression. And I am reminded that this intelligent divine energy is supporting me, uplifting me, and showing me the way.

I know you have had similar moments… let’s bring those moments back.

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Creating imagery has been stitched into the contours of my life from the time I took my first photograph as a small 6 year old girl to building a Los Angeles based child portraiture business. After graduating from University of Michigan in Nursing and while working as a clinical nurse, I embarked on my photography journey that continues to this day by taking every photography course our local community college offered, working in a photo-lab and as commercial photographer assistant, traveling cross country to photograph the national parks, and processing and printing countless images in my darkroom basement.

Since moving back to Michigan from Los Angeles, I received a wake up call by suffering a major stroke. I lost the ability to speak and write within less than 24 hours and my fast paced, high pressure job as a clinical research manager ground to a halt. Oddly enough, it was just what I needed to sink deep into reassessing the course of my life and come to the realization that I was off track.

It was after my stroke that my vision for a new photography business and a new vision for my life started to emerge. I made an executive decision that I would no longer tolerate regrets due to missed chances, not following my heart’s desire and my inner guidance, and making decisions based on fear instead of trust. I am now in the process of completely realigning my life path with my truth and turning what once were regrets into expansive possibility.

My photography now depicts the beauty and intricacy of nature, revealing small details that mostly go unnoticed. My work has been described as “fascinating, mesmerizing, stunning and mind-blowing” to “magical, dreamy, delicate, with beautiful simplicity and incredible detail.” I describe my work as “nature photography with soul” with careful attention to light, placement, color, texture, focus, and depth. My intent is to evoke a sense of dreamy awareness and wonder, to spark inspiration, and reconnect you to possibility.

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. ~Henry David Thoreau